Венгерский язык

«Венгерский язык цветист, как турецкий, глубок, как английский, текуч, как французский, сладок, как итальянский, серьезен, как немецкий, пышен, строен и убедителен, как греческий, блистателен, как латинский, — заключены в нем, словом, все достоинства, какие только может пожелать от языка ученый мир» (с) филолог Дьёрдь Кальмар

Friday, December 13, 2013

Látom Magamat vagy Látom Engemet

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Conjugation of lát (látni) to see (to perceive with the eyes)

The correct version is: "Látom magam(at) a tükörben" - I see myself in the mirror.
"magam" is a reflexive pronoun in Hungarian (=myself). The subjective form is "magam", the objective form is "magamat", which can be shortened to "magam" - this is why both can be used in the above sentence. As spoken language generally tends to be short, the shorter form (in my view) is more often used.

"She can see me in the mirror. = Ő lát engem a tükörben."  (engem - Personal pronoun, 1st person Accusative)

In Spanish, in the 1st a 2nd person the personal pronouns are used in function of the reflexive pronoun, unlike in Hungarian. But in the 3rd person the difference is evident both in Spanish and Hungarian:
Látja magát a tükörben - se ve en el espejo
Látja őt a tükörben - lo/la ve en el espejo

Én látom magamat a tükörben. = I see myself in the mirror.
Te látsz engem(et) a tükörben. = You see me in the mirror.
 Definite and indefinite conjugations - látom (def.) because reflexive, látsz (indef.) because "the indefinite conjugation is also used if the object is a 1st or 2nd person pronoun"

Én látlak téged(et) a tükörben. = I see you in the mirror.
Te látod magadat a tükörben. = You see yourself in the mirror.