Венгерский язык

«Венгерский язык цветист, как турецкий, глубок, как английский, текуч, как французский, сладок, как итальянский, серьезен, как немецкий, пышен, строен и убедителен, как греческий, блистателен, как латинский, — заключены в нем, словом, все достоинства, какие только может пожелать от языка ученый мир» (с) филолог Дьёрдь Кальмар

Friday, August 1, 2014

How to type French-specific characters on French keyboard layout

How to type French-specific symbols on French keyboard layout

à - \           (the key above "Enter", "|" is also shown on it)
â - [, a        (the key right of "P", then "a")
æ - RCtrl+a     (Right-Ctrl together with "a"; Note: Left-Ctrl will not work)
ç - ]           (the key above "Enter")
è - '           (the key left of "Enter", """ is also shown on it)
é - /           (the key left of Right-Shift, "?" is also shown on it)
ê - [, e        (the key right of "P", then "e")
ë - {, e        (Shift together with [, then "e")
î - [, i        (the key right of "P", then "i")
ï - {, i        (Shift together with [, then "i")
ô - [, o        (the key right of "P", then "o")
œ - RCtrl+e     (Right-Ctrl together with "e"; Note: Left-Ctrl will not work)
ù - RAlt+[, u   (Right-Alt together with [, then "u"; Note: Left-Alt will not work)
û - [, u        (the key right of "P", then "u")
ü - {, u        (Shift together with [, then "u")
ÿ - {, y        (Shift together with [, then "y")

Using Extended ASCII characters
(not only on French keyboard layout)
These characters are generated by holding down the "ALT" key and typing in a numeric code with the numeric keypad on the right side of the keyboard

â: ALT + 131 or 0226
à: ALT + 133 or 0224
ä: ALT + 132 or 0228
ç: ALT + 135 or 0231
é: ALT + 130 or 0233
è: ALT + 138 or 0233
ê: ALT + 136 or 0234
ë: ALT + 137 or 0235
î: ALT + 140 or 0238
ï: ALT + 139 or 0239
ô: ALT + 147 or 0244
ù: ALT + 151 or 0249
û: ALT + 150 or 0251
ü: ALT + 129 or 0252
œ: ALT + 0157 (0140 and 0156)

Type French accents without a French keyboard

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